2nd Annual Inspiring Girls in STEM Day (For Grades 7-12)
Join us for a day of STEM inspiration including speakers, mentoring, fun, activities, and refreshments. For grades 7-12.

2nd Annual Inspiring Girls in STEM Day
Hosted by SWE Next (Society of Women Engineers for the Next Generation)
University of Utah Campus
Crocker Science Building
1390 Presidents' Circle, Room 206
Sat, Nov 2 | 10a - 2p
For Grades 7-12.
Join us for a day of STEM inspiration including speakers, mentoring, fun, activities, and refreshments. Contact [email protected] for more information. Please RSVP at http://forms.gle/i9Xvo3LLVG62KHBr8
Inspiring Girls in STEM Day is an exciting event designed to empower young girls and inspire them to pursue careers in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM). Our mission is to break down barriers, challenge stereotypes, and foster a supportive environment where girls can ignite their passion for STEM.
#STEM #WomenInSTEM #GirlsInSTEM #GirlsCan #SocietyofWomenEngineers #SWE #SWENext
Date & Time
November 2, 2024
10:00AM - 2:00PM
University of Utah Crocker Science Center - 1390 Presidents Circle, Room 206, Salt Lake City, UT, 84112